An online training was held for the medical doctors of the Forensic Medical Institue of Afghanistan (Kabul) between 13th and 18th June, 2020 given by 4 members of IFEG (International Forensic Expert Group) of IRCT (International Rehabilitation and Research Center of Torture Victims). Its topic was the Medical legal documentation of sexual violence. A lawyer, 2 forensic medical doctors and a psychiatrist, Lilla Hárdi, founder of the Cordelia Foundation represented the IFEG as the lecturers of the training.
Sexual violence is a sensitive issue in Afghanistan as there are a significant number of cases where the Afghan colleagues might feel challenged. We referred on the statements published by the IFEG on ‘Virginity testing’ and ‘Anal examination’ representing different aspects of the medical and human rights field. The training offered a possibility for exciting discussions and consultations and it was promising regarding further possible collaboration.