Psycho-social counselling for Ukranian asylum seekers in Hungary
Donor: UNHCR
Implementation period: April 01, 2022- December 31, 2022
The project seeks to improve the health status of asylum-seekers (AS) and beneficiaries of international protection (BIP) in open reception, detention centres and children’s homes in Hungary. Moreover, through a set of complex psycho-social services including special medical care, psychiatric care, psychotherapeutic assistance and social support, it aims at providing a stable and complex assistance program for those BIPs who stay in Hungary after their recognition. Cordelia’s mental health care services have a special focus on vulnerable, traumatized and torture survivor persons.
Identification and complex psycho-social treatment of refugees from Ukraine in Hungary
Donor: Open Society Foundation
Implementation period:May 01, 2022- April 30, 2023
Cordelia requests the core operating support grant to upgrade and develop new aspects of its complex rehabilitation activities, aimed at the successful integration of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, with special focus on survivors of torture, sexual violence or other severe trauma.
Ukraine emergency: Mental health and psycho-social support
Donor: TIDES
Implementation period: May 03, 2022 – February 3, 2033
Giving a voice, healing trauma
Donor: Porticus
Implementation period: March 01, 2022 – February 28, 2023
A Non-verbal approach of mental support, on individual level or in group sessions. Beside MHPSS, supporting integration through communication towards the majority society, especially regarding voulnerable groups.